Article 102 a multimodal transport contract as referred to in this code means a contract under which the multimodal transport operator undertakes to transport the goods , against the payment of freight for the entire transport , from the place where the goods were received in his charge to the destination and to deliver them to the consignee by two or more different modes of transport , one of which being sea carriage 第一百零二条本法所称多式联运合同,是指多式联运经营人以两种以上的不同运输方式,其中一种是海上运输方式,负责将货物从接收地运至目的地交收货人,并收取全程运费的合同。
全程: whole journey; whole course; ...运费: transportation expenses; fre ...联运运费率, 全程运费率: through rate全程运单: house waybill全程运价: through rate全程运输: through carriage; through movement; through transit超程运费: distance freight第一程运费: first carrier's freight二程运费: second carrier's freight返程运费。: home freight海里程运费: distance freight回程运费: back freight; backfreight; home freight; inbound freight去程运费: out freight一程运费: first carrier's freight全程运送货物: through cargo第一程运费一程运费: first carrier's freight国内运费;回程运费: home freight全程运输货柜化: door-to-door containerization全程运输集装箱化: door-to-door containerization全程: whole journey; whole course; omnidistance 如果情况顺利, 这艘船可望在两小时内驶完全程。 the vessel is expected under favourable conditions to do the journey in 2 hours.; 全程单据 through document; 全程费率 through rates; 全程运价 through rates; 全程运输 through transit; through carriage程运铁: cheng yuntie运费: transportation expenses; freight; carriage; fare; freight charges 运费待收 freight to be collected; 付运费 pay freight; 回程[国内] 运费 home freight; 现行运费 the current freight; 运费保险 freight insurance; 运费表 freight list; 运费单 freight note; 运费定价表 tariff; 运费付讫 carriage paid; freight paid;运费回扣 freight rebate; 运费价目表 rate tariff; 运费率 freight rate; 运费免付 carriage free; 运费条款 freight clause; 运费已付 freight paid; 运费预付 freight prepaid; advanced freight从全程: arranging for inland transportation and paying for inland freight全程值: global value全程制: all-way guidance