

  • holostomes
  • 全盘:    overall; comprehensive; whol ...
  • 吸虫全盘类:    holostomes
  • 全盘:    overall; comprehensive; wholesale 全盘否定 total repudiation [negation]; negate totally; negate everything (uncritically); completely to negate [repudiate]; 全盘措施 comprehensive measure; 全盘招供 come clean; 全盘接受 total and uncritical acceptance; 全盘托出 make a clear breast; 全盘西化 wholesale [total; complete] westernization; 我们必须全盘来考虑这些事情。 we must consider these matters as a whole.; 全盘电气化 full electrification; 全盘管理系统 total management system; 全盘自动化 fully automation
  • 磁盘类:    disk
  • 光盘类:    disc


        全盘:    overall; comprehensive; whol ...
        吸虫全盘类:    holostomes
        全盘:    overall; comprehensive; wholesale 全盘否定 total repudiation [negation]; negate totally; negate everything (uncritically); completely to negate [repudiate]; 全盘措施 comprehensive measure; 全盘招供 come clean; 全盘接受 total and uncritical acceptance; 全盘托出 make a clear breast; 全盘西化 wholesale [total; complete] westernization; 我们必须全盘来考虑这些事情。 we must consider these matters as a whole.; 全盘电气化 full electrification; 全盘管理系统 total management system; 全盘自动化 fully automation
        磁盘类:    disk
        光盘类:    disc
        冷盘类:    chinese meal menu
        始盘类:    eodiscid
        司盘类:    spans
        全盘的:    across-the-board; across-the-broad; catholic; comprehensive
        磁盘类程:    disk class
        磁盘类存储:    disk type store
        键盘类型:    keyboard type; keyboardtype
        陆地胎盘类:    land placental
        买卖盘类别:    type of order
        无胎盘类:    implacentalia
        硬盘类型:    hard-disk type
        有胎盘类:    placentalia
        圆盘类型:    disc
        全盘措施:    comprehensive measure
        全盘电气化:    full electrification
        全盘否定:    totally repudiate
        全盘机械化:    all round mechanization; complex mechanization; system mechanization
        全盘接受:    apping it up; total and uncritical acceptance
        全盘考虑:    overall consideration
        全盘拷贝:    d diskcopy; disk copy


  1. "全盘机械化"英文
  2. "全盘接受"英文
  3. "全盘经济一体化"英文
  4. "全盘考虑"英文
  5. "全盘拷贝"英文
  6. "全盘设计"英文
  7. "全盘式制动器"英文
  8. "全盘推广策略报告"英文
  9. "全盘托出"英文
  10. "全盘西化"英文


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