全球: the whole world贸易: trade优惠: preferential; favourable制: make; manufacture谈判: negotiations; talks; negotia ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...部长级会议: conference at ministerial le ...贸易谈判委员会部长级会议: ministerial meeting of the trade negotiations committee指导委员会部长级会议: ministerial meeting of the steering board部长级会议: council of ministers; ministerial conference; ministerial level meeting; ministerial meeting谈判委员会: negotiating committee世界贸易组织部长级会议: ministerial conference of the world trade organization旧金山全球贸易委员会: san francisco global trade committee; san francisco global trade council东盟部长级会议: asean ministerial meeting专业部长级会议: sectoral ministerial meeting裁军谈判委员会: cd; committee on disarmament; disarmament committee多党谈判委员会: multi-party negotiating council政府间谈判委员会: intergovernmental negotiating committee公平农业贸易国家部长级会议: ministerial meeting of fair traders in agriculture贸易优惠: trade conce ion; trade concession; trade preference第四次世界贸易组织部长级会议的部长宣言: ministerial declaration of the fourth ministerial conference of the world trade organization贸易地区合作一体化和旅游业非洲部长级会议: conference of african ministers responsible for traderegional cooperation and integration and tourism保护欧洲森林部长级会议: ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe东盟环境问题部长级会议: asean ministerial meeting on the environment东盟青年问题部长级会议: asean ministerial meeting on youth