Study on prediction model of complete characteristic curves of centrifugal pumps 离心泵全特性曲线预测模型研究
Analysis of relation between characteristics of pump - turbinerunner and transition of pumped - storage power station 水泵水轮机转轮全特性与蓄能电站过渡过程的相关性分析
As for the francis turbine , this paper generalizes the characteristics of complete characteristic curve nonlinear model and internal character analysis nonlinear model 针对混流式水轮机,归纳分析了常用的全特性曲线的非线性模型、基于内特性解析的非线性模型的特点。
The francies " hydro turbine models are induced , comprising of the linear model based on the model characteristic curves , the linear model based on the internal characteristics description , the nonlinear model based on four - quadrant characteristics and simply analytic nonlinear model . as a result of comparison of these models , it is believed that these models have different traits and the proper model should be selected according to the study purpose and known conditions 归纳介绍了混流式水轮机的模型,包括基于模型综合特性曲线的线性化模型、基于内特性描述的线性化模型、基于全特性曲线的非线性模型和简单解析非线性模型等,对这些水轮机模型进行分析比较,认为它们的特点各有不同,应根据研究目的和已知条件来选择合适的模型。
全: complete特性: characteristic; character; p ...安全特性: security feature安全特性布局: placement of security feature简单安全特性: simple security property安全特性的实现: implementation of security feature全特化: full specialization安全特低压: separated extra low voltage安全特遣队: special detachment for security安全特征: security features完全特化: full specialization安全特低电压: safety extra-low voltage全特征线理论: full characteristic theory外部安全特征: external safety feature网络安全特警: nis; symantec norton internet security特性: characteristic(s); character; performance; features; properties; behaviour; response; characteristic property; peculiarity; speciality; specificity; specific property国家安全特别法庭: special court of state security; specialcourtofnationalsecurity警惕特征, 安全特征: dead man feature粮食安全特别方案: special programme for food security诺顿网络安全特警: norton internet security生物安全特别工作组: working grouon biosafety钻石检查和安全特别机构: guichet unico特性,独特性;怪癖: peculiarity安特性: i characteristic按特性: by properties