的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...崭新的,全新的: brand-new全新的感觉: it's a whole new feeling; like a virgin全新的欺骗: this is the new shit全新的世界: a whole new world; whole new world你给我全新的感觉: you make me feel brand new一辆几乎全新的车: a littleused carr冰回来与我全新的事物: ice is back with my brand new invention更有全新的玫瑰深紫: black iris以全新的面貌进入新世纪: enter the new century with a brand-new colorful look有一个全新的厨房房: it has a brand new kitchen全新: ibm; nos; ultra optical sensor按“m”键可以调用全新的大地图: added a new large map to the "m" key车型很有可能将会搭载全新的: sfi怀着全新的音乐理念为我们带来了: mueller我十分喜欢我这个全新的地方: i knida like it in my brand new place引入了全新的虚拟服务器环境: virtual server environment引入了全新的颜色管理系统: color management system用全新的方法把废纸加工成新闻纸: manufacture newsprint waste paper under an entirely new process犹如变成完全新的一个人似的: feel like a new woman军医大学研究小组研究发现了一种全新的参与: fscb新的: fresh, new; green; neoteric; neu; recent; server; unprecedente全新版: apocalypse now redux全新世: holocene epoch; holoceneepoch; recent epoch全新统: holocene series; postglacial epoch; recent