全局: overall situation; whole sit ...主: host过程: process; procedure; transver ...主过程: primary process本地主过程: local main process特许主过程: privileged master procedure主过程流程: main process全局优化过程: global optimization procedure主过道: main aisle全局: overall situation; whole situation; situation as a whole 从全局利益出发安排工作 plan the work with an eye to the interests of the whole; 全局性问题 a matter of overall importance; 树立全局观点 adopt an overall point of view; 通观全局 take a comprehensive view of the general situation; 影响全局 affect the overall situation; 统筹全局 keep the overall situation in mind and plan accordingly; 摆正局部与全局的关系 maintain a proper relationship between the part and the whole; 全局观点 overall point of view; 全局利益 interests of the whole; general interests局主席: chairman of administration买主过多: buyers over卖主过多: sellers over主过去文件: master history file结局主义: eventualism区域局主任: director of regional bureau事务局主催: clubdeep in tokyo乡议局主席: chairman heung yee kuk移民局主任: chief immigration officer执行局主席: ra'ees of the executive authority安全局: security bureau全局的: global; in the large全局地: globally全局段: global section全局光: global illumination gi; global light