全场: the whole audience; all thos ...逼: compel; force; drive; threat ...抢: knock半场逼抢: own half only逼抢: closing down; hustle全场: 1.(全部在场者) the whole audience; all those present 全场沸腾。 the place seethes with enthusiasm.; the whole place is in ferment. 全场肃静。 silence reigned in the hall. 精采的杂技表演博得全场喝采。 the excellent acrobatic performance brought down the house. 全场欢声雷动。 the audience broke out into thunderous cheers.2.[体育] full-court; all-court 全场打法 all-court play; 全场紧逼 all-court press; full-court press不逼抢: stand off诱使对方逼抢: invite a tackle安全场所: safe place全场比赛: training for two goals全场传球: all-court pass全场打法: all-court game全场大减价: store-wide sale全场盯人: full court trap; trap全场沸腾: the place seethes with enthusiasm全场分析法: whole-field analysis全场冠军: overall全场喝彩: to bring down the house全场轰动: make a stir in the audience全场记分法: scoring across the field全场结束: be all over全场紧逼: all-court press; full court press; full press; full-court press; full-press; full-vourt press; pressing all court game全场聚焦: tracking lens全场时间: full time全场肃静: silence reigned in the hall