

发音:   用"全场掌声雷动"造句
  • the audience burst into thunderous applause
  • to bring down the house
  • 全场:    the whole audience; all thos ...
  • 掌声雷动:    applaud to the echo; a round ...
  • 掌声雷动:    applaud to the echo; a round of applause; a storm of applause set the rafters ringing.; bring down the house; the applause was deafening.; the applause thundered forth.; thunderous applause 全场掌声雷动。 the audience burst into thunderous applause
  • 全场欢声雷动:    all court
  • 彩声雷动:    shouts and applause ring loud like thunder.; there was a burst of applause.; words of applause [praise; acclaim] roared like thunder


  1. The audience burst into thunderous applause .
  2. It was embarrassing until in a third balcony , a little boy stood up and shouted , i think youre doing great daddy , and the house broke down into applause , inspired by that little guy
  3. When the mc announced at a group meditation gathering that hsihu was to be re - opened , the meditation hall was shaken with thunderous applause . knowing that god had answered our earnest prayers to return to our home , we were too excited to keep ourselves from passing the message around


        全场:    the whole audience; all thos ...
        掌声雷动:    applaud to the echo; a round ...
        掌声雷动:    applaud to the echo; a round of applause; a storm of applause set the rafters ringing.; bring down the house; the applause was deafening.; the applause thundered forth.; thunderous applause 全场掌声雷动。 the audience burst into thunderous applause
        全场欢声雷动:    all court
        彩声雷动:    shouts and applause ring loud like thunder.; there was a burst of applause.; words of applause [praise; acclaim] roared like thunder
        欢声雷动:    give a great shout of approval; cheers rent the air like thunder.; cheers resound like rolls of thunder.; cry out for joy; the cheers make the welkin ring.; the cheers rent the welkin.; thunderous [deafening] cheers [applause]
        喜讯传来欢声雷动:    the glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers
        雷动:    thunderous 欢声雷动 thunderous cheers
        掌声:    clapping; applause; the sound of clapping 热烈的掌声 warm applause; 博得经久不息的掌声 win [command] prolonged applause; 听众对演说报以阵阵热烈的掌声。 the speech was received with hearty rounds of applause
        全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声:    the hall resounded with stormy applause
        全场:    1.(全部在场者) the whole audience; all those present 全场沸腾。 the place seethes with enthusiasm.; the whole place is in ferment. 全场肃静。 silence reigned in the hall. 精采的杂技表演博得全场喝采。 the excellent acrobatic performance brought down the house. 全场欢声雷动。 the audience broke out into thunderous cheers.2.[体育] full-court; all-court 全场打法 all-court play; 全场紧逼 all-court press; full-court press
        声雷达:    acoustic radar; sodar; sound radar; soundradar
        鼓掌,掌声:    applause
        鼓掌声:    applause
        掌声, 鼓掌:    a hand
        超声雷达:    ultrasonic radar
        春雷动地:    a clap of spring thunder shaking the earth; spring thunder shakes the earth.; with the thunders of spring the earth will shake
        平地一声雷:    a sudden clap of thunder; a bolt from the blue; an unexpected happy event; a sudden big change, e.g. a sudden rise in fame and position
        啸声雷达:    whistler radar
        鱼雷动力学:    dynamics of torpedo
        噪声雷达:    noise radar
        嗥鸣雷动:    roar like a thunderpeal
        水雷动磁引信:    dynamic magnetic fuze of mine
        水雷动声引信:    dynamic acoustic fuze of mine
        报以掌声:    acclaim


  1. "全场太子"英文
  2. "全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声"英文
  3. "全场一体化和一般设施"英文
  4. "全场一致"英文
  5. "全场一致的"英文
  6. "全场转移"英文
  7. "全场总分"英文
  8. "全场总冠军"英文
  9. "全场最佳母犬"英文
  10. "全长"英文


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