

  • resin adhesive
  • :    complete
  • :    exist; be living
  • 树脂:    resin
  • :    glue; gum
  • 树脂胶:    resin adhesive; resin glue


        :    complete
        :    exist; be living
        树脂:    resin
        :    glue; gum
        树脂胶:    resin adhesive; resin glue
        氨基树脂胶:    amino resin adhesive
        醇酸树脂胶:    alkyd resin adhesive
        酚醛树脂胶:    phenol aldehyde resin; phenolic resin glue; phenolic-resin adhesive; phenolic-resin cement
        光学树脂胶:    optical resin gum
        合成树脂胶:    artificial agent; artificial bonding adhesive; artificial bonding agent; artificial bonding medium; artificial cement agent; artificial glue; artificial medium; artificial resin based bonding adhesive; artificial resin-based bonding agent; artificial resin-based cementing agent; artificial resin-based glue; plastic glues; resin glue; synthetic resin adhesive; synthetic resin gum
        环氧树脂胶:    epoxide-resin glue; epoxy adhesive; epoxy glue; epoxy resin adhesive; epoxy resin glue
        甲酚树脂胶:    cresol resin adhesive
        冷杉树脂胶:    canada balsam
        密胺树脂胶:    melamineresinadhesive
        尿醛树脂胶:    urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive
        尿素树脂胶:    carbamide resin adhesive; uraform; urea resin glue
        三一树脂胶:    301 resinous adhesive
        树脂胶合:    resinoid bond
        树脂胶合板:    compo board; compo-board; resin bonded plywood; resin bonded slab; resin bounded plywood; resin-bonded plywood; resin-bonded slab
        树脂胶合的:    gummed
        树脂胶合塞:    resin plug
        树脂胶浆:    resin mortar
        树脂胶结:    plastic bonding
        树脂胶泥:    resingluemud
        树脂胶泥芯:    resin mortar core


  1. "全载特性"英文
  2. "全载重"英文
  3. "全再生胶制品"英文
  4. "全在你心中"英文
  5. "全在善"英文
  6. "全造山幕"英文
  7. "全造血系的"英文
  8. "全造血细胞集落生成单位"英文
  9. "全责护理"英文
  10. "全责联运提单"英文


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