全国: nationwide; countrywide; the ...住房: housing; lodgings公司: corporation; incorporation; ...大众住房公司: coab工人住房公司: shikun ovd; workers housing co国营住房公司: state housing corp约旦住房公司: jordanian housing construction co建筑和全国住房部长: construction and national housing minister; minister of construction and national housing住房公积金: housing accumulation fond; public housing funds全国住房和公共工程联合会: national federation of housing and public works of morocco城镇住房公积金: urban housing provident fund建立住房公积金: to set uhousing accumulation funds; to set up housing accumulation funds住房公基金制度: public housing funding system住房公积金贷款: housing provident fund credit现代厨房公司: hyun dae kitchen wear co., ltd国住: kunizumi住房公积金 (实习编辑:顾萍): housing fund韩国住田电机公司: korea sumida electric co., ltd韩国住宅管理公司: korea housing service co., ltd美国住友商事公司: sumitomo corporaiton of america inc美国住宅建筑公司: home corporation united states; home corporation, united states全国住院儿童福利协会: national association for the welfare of children in hospital全国住宅建造商协会: national association of home builders联合国住房造房和规划委员会: u.n. committee on housing building and planning全国低收入住房基金: national fund for low-income housing