全: complete同相: same-phase; in-phase; phase ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...同相的: cophasal state; equiphase; homophase; in phase; isofacial; isophase; isopic不同相的: heterophase; out of phase有功的, 与电压同相的: wattful全同: identical; isotactic同相: same-phase; in-phase; phase coincidence相的: facial同相;同相位: in-phase磁全同: magnetic equivalence非全同: non-identical全同胞: full sibs; full-sib全同步: full synchronizing全同的: identical全同门: identify gate; identity element全同温: homothermous不同相: out-phase; out of phase使同相: bring in phase同相, 同步: in-phase同相, 正相: non invert同相带: isopic zone同相地: in phase同相供: cophase supply同相角: inphase angle