全: complete伴: companion; partner联: unite; join伴联变量: associated variate伴联系数: coefficient of association不完全伴性: incomplete sex-linkage完全伴性: complete sex linkage伙伴联盟课程: partnerships/alliances世界伙伴联盟: w world partners成骨不全伴蓝巩膜: osteogenesis imperfecta with blue sclerae成骨不全伴乳色牙: osteogenesis imperfecta with opalescent teeth战略合作伙伴联盟经理: partner alliance manager胸腺发育不全伴免疫缺陷: aplasia of thymus gland with immunodeficiency通过网络与他们的合作伙伴联系: using the web to communicate with their partners三尖瓣关闭不全伴室间隔缺损: tricuspid regurgitation associated with ventricular septal defect下颌骨面骨发育不全伴眼球上皮样囊肿: mandibulofacial dysostosis with epibulbar dermoids网状组织发育不全伴先天性白细胞减少症: reticular dysgenesis with congenital aleukocytosis全瓣的: holopetalous全板接合: full splice joint全半角须相符: width sensitive全板厚: full plate thickness全半宽: total half-width全板镀铜整板电镀: panel plating全半面像: holohemihedral全板镀铜: panel plating全半面象的: holohemihedral