Protocol of milk ring test for brucellosis 布氏杆菌病全乳环状试验方法
Lowphosphoproteinpowder louis x diet improved nutrition status in maintenance hemodialysis patients 低磷全乳清蛋白粉对维持性血透患者营养治疗的临床意义
Adults who eat high - fat meats or whole - milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat 成年人若每餐进食高脂肪肉类或全乳食品,这大概表示他正摄取过量脂肪。
Whole milk - determination of milkfat , protein and lactose content - guidance on the operation of mid - infrared instruments 全乳.乳脂蛋白质和乳糖含量的测定.中红外设备操作指南
Whole milk - determination of milkfat , protein and lactose content - guidance on the operation of mid - infrared instruments 全乳.乳脂肪蛋白质和乳糖含量的测定.中红外设备操作指南