

发音:   用"兔子跑进了森林"造句
  • the rabbit ran to the woods and did not come back any more
  • 兔子:    hare; rabbit
  • :    800米 run the 800-metre dash
  • :    advance; move forward; move ...
  • :    finish; complete; end; fulfi ...
  • 森林:    forest; timber; sylva; silva ...


  1. The rabbit ran to the woods and did not come back any more
  2. The ra it ran to the woods and did not come back any more
  3. The rabbit ran to the woods and did not come back any more


        兔子:    hare; rabbit
        :    800米 run the 800-metre dash
        :    advance; move forward; move ...
        :    finish; complete; end; fulfi ...
        森林:    forest; timber; sylva; silva ...
        兔子跑进了森林再也没有出来了。:    the rabbit ran to the woods and did not come back any more
        胡萝卜 吸引兔子跑来:    carrot
        他设法穿过了森林:    he made his way through the forest
        跑进:    run into
        进了!:    It's in!Goal!
        一阵阵号子声打破了森林的寂静:    work songs broke the silence of the forest
        跑进屋:    run inside=run in
        那管子跑气:    that pipe leaks gas. evaporate
        仓促跑进:    rush into
        跑进;陷入;碰到,撞上:    run into
        跑进跑出:    bustle in and out
        傻瓜跑进来:    fools rush in
        顺势跑进:    coast
        自然跑进:    coast
        森林:    forest; timber; sylva; silva; eng-forest; boscage; bush 被大火所毁的森林 forest ravaged by fire; 穿过森林 go through a forest; 他要去森林中野餐。 he wanted the picnic to be in the midst of the forest.; 森林保护 [生态学] forest conservancy; forest conservation; 森林财政 forest finance; 森林采伐权 bote; 森林草原 sylvosteppe; 森林测量 forest surveying; 森林产业 forest estate; 森林虫害 damage by forest-insects; 森林重造 reafforest; 森林抽样调查 forest sampling survey; 森林储备基金 forest reserve funds; 森林纯利价 forest rental value; 森林纯收获 forest net yield; 森林地被物 forest litter (枯枝落叶层); 森林带 forest region; 森林调查 forest survey; 森林法 forest law; 森林防火 forest fire protection; 森林风 [气象学] forest wind; 森林抚育 care of woods; tending of woods; 森林腐殖质 forest humus; 森林覆被 forest floor; forest cover; 森林覆盖率 percentage of forest cover;forest acreage; 森林更新 reafforest; 森林工艺学 forest technology; 森林公园 forest park; 森林估价 forest assessment; 森林管理(学) forest administration; 森林害虫 injurious forest-insect; 森林害鸟 injurious bird of forest; 森林害兽 injurious beast of forest; 森林航空测量 forest aerosurveying; 森林航空调查 forest aerial reconnaissance; 森林火险预报 forest fire danger forecasting; 森林火灾 forest fire; 森林火灾保险 forest fire insurance; 森林技师 forest examiner; 森林经理 forest management; 森林经营 forest management; 森林净化 forest cleaning; 森林勘察 cruise; 森林看守员 forest ranger; 森林课税 forest taxation; 森林昆虫学 forest entomology; 森林利用(学) forest utilization; 森林猎兽 beast of venery; 森林美学 forest esthetics; 森林苗圃 forest nursery; 森林鸟害 damage by forest bird; 森林破坏 forest deterioration; 森林起源 origin of forest; 森林气候观测所 forest weather station; 森林气象学 [气象学] forest meteorology; 森林区划 division of forest area; 森林区划线 isohyle; 森林区域 wood land; 森林摄影测量 forest photogrammetry; 森林生产率 forest productivity; 森林生产资本 forest-cost-capital; 森林生境 forest site; 森林生态学 [生态学] forest ecology; silvics; 森林使用权 forest right; 森林事业年度 forest year; 森林树木园 forest garden; 森林所得税 forest income tax; 森林所得权 forest property; 森林天幕毛虫 forest tent caterpillar; 森林铁道 [英国] forest railway; [美国] forest railroad; 森林统计学 forest statistics; 森林图 forest map; 森林土 sylvogenic soil; forest soil; 森林土壤 [林学] forest soil; sylvestre soil; 森林土壤改良 forest reclamation; 森林违警 contravention of forest police; 森林卫生学 forest hygienics; 森林线 timberline; treeline; isohyle; 森林小区 forest plot; 森林学原理 silvics; sylvics; 森林巡逻员 forest ranger; 森林遥感 forest remote sensing; 森林野牛 wood bison; 森林益虫 useful forest-insect; 森林益鸟 useful forest bird; 森林杂草 forest weeds; 森林植被 forest cover; 森林植被型 drymion; 森林植物 forest plants; 森林植物群 forest vegetation; 森林植物学 tree botany; 森林职工 forest staff; 森林制图 [林学] forest mapping; 森林资源 forest reserves
        白兔子:    white rabbit
        剥兔子:    skin a rabbit fox etc
        打兔子:    roperunner
        大兔子:    eos-1ds mark ii
        黑兔子:    kucool


  1. "兔子罗素之麻烦大了"英文
  2. "兔子马"英文
  3. "兔子毛"英文
  4. "兔子毛,线叶菊"英文
  5. "兔子木"英文
  6. "兔子跑进了森林再也没有出来了。"英文
  7. "兔子求雪"英文
  8. "兔子软糖"英文
  9. "兔子瑞比"英文
  10. "兔子杀狼"英文


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