

发音:   用"免税利益"造句
  • tax exempt interest
  • tax-free interest


        免税:    free of duty; exemption from ...
        利益:    interest; gain; benefit; pro ...
        免税利润:    tax-free profit
        免税利息:    tax-exempt interest
        免税利息收入:    non-taxable interest income
        免税:    free of duty; exemption from duty; duty-free; zero rates of duty; abatement; tax exemption; exempt from taxes [taxation]; remission of tax; tax-free 免税待遇的冻结 zero-duty bindings; 免税放行 release without payment of duty; 免税报单 entry for free goods; free entry; 免税单 bill of sufference; duty free slips; exemption certificate; 免税高速公路 free way; 免税公司 tax-exempt corporation; 免税货 duty free goods; 免税货单 free list; 免税货物 articles free; duty-free goods; nondutiable goods; free goods; goods exempt from taxes; 免税货物进口报单 entry for free goods; 免税利润 tax-free profit; 免税贸易区 tax-free trade zone; 免税品 free goods; 免税期 generous tax holidays; tax holidays; 免税区 free perimeters; 免税商店 duty-free shop; 免税商品 free commodities; 免税投资 tax-free investment; 免税投资公司 regulated investment company; 免税土地执照 tax certificates; 免税物品 free goods; 免税债券 tax-exempt bond; 免税证券 tax-exempt security; 免税执照 duty free certificate
        利益:    interest; gain; benefit; profit 利益均沾 share equal profit; 使人民群众得到利益 benefit the masses of the people; 为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of the vast majority of people; 利益关系人 party interested; 利益集团 interest group; 利益所有人 beneficial owner; 利益协调 harmony of interests; 利益责任单位 profit responsibility unit
        可征税利润 课税利润:    taxableprofit
        进口税利息:    duty interest
        可徵税利润:    taxable profit
        税利的,灵敏的:    sharp
        税利的一头:    the business end
        税利分流:    separation of taxes and profits
        应抽税利润:    assessable profit
        应付税利润:    tangible profit
        应课税利润:    chargeable profit; taxable profit
        应纳税利润:    taxable profit
        应评税利润:    a e able profit; assessable profit
        应税利润:    assessable profit; taxable income
        免除 免检 免税 免税 免税法 免责:    exemption
        负的应税利润:    negative taxable profits
        减免税:    reduction or exemption of tax; tax on remission; tax reduction or exemption; tax reliefs
        可免税:    tax deduction
        免税, 减税:    relief from taxation
        免税舱:    free hatch


  1. "免税进入市场"英文
  2. "免税宽减额"英文
  3. "免税利润"英文
  4. "免税利息"英文
  5. "免税利息收入"英文
  6. "免税两个月"英文
  7. "免税马车"英文
  8. "免税贸易区"英文
  9. "免税名单"英文
  10. "免税品"英文


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