The investigation on - burning free brick from tailings of magnesium xi - ka - yan iron ore 镁质矽卡岩型铁矿尾矿免烧砖
This technology , taking the worn out commodity as raw material , is a new technology that regenerate resources , increase wealth , conservate energy , protect environment 以废旧物资为原料的免烧砖瓦技术是资源再生,财富增值的一项顺应现代市场节能、环保号召的新技术。
This machine is applicable to various concrete burned bricks from wasted residues such as coal and slag . these bricks can replace the red brick we use now . they are the first choice of material for wall reform Qt3 - 25qt10 - 15型全自动砌块成型机,该机适用生产此粉煤炭矿渣等废渣为原料的各种混凝土免烧砖:如实心砖,多孔砖等,该产品可代替现有的红砖,是墙体改革的首选材料。
The equipment gives pressure to both sides and makes use of industrial wastes , slags , flying ash , lime sand , fluvial sand and gangues with a little cement to produce the standard bricks , blind hole unburned bricks and clay - sintered bricks for all kinds of specification 该设备双面加压,利用工业废渣、矿渣、粉煤灰、石粉、沙子、煤矸石等原料加少量水泥制成各种规格的标砖、盲孔免烧砖、粘土烧结砖。
The company insists on absorbing foreign advanced technology and combining domestfic research and cooperation with project organization as well as technical practice and experiences for years , and joins efforts in developing new generation advance energy saving equipment serial products 本公司坚持吸取国外先进技术,结合国内科研和设计机构合作及多年技术实践、经验,共同开展新一代先进、节能设备:有全自动水泥砌块机、免烧砖机、液压花砖机,路沿石成型机、水泥制砖机等系列产品。
免: dismiss; relieve; remove烧砖: bake bricks; fire bricks半烧砖: place brick; samel焙烧砖: fire refractory brick不烧砖: air brick; green brick; unburned brick; unfired brick过烧砖: crozzle; over-burned brick欠烧砖: callow轻烧砖: light fire brick软烧砖: soft burnt brick烧砖炉: brick kiln烧砖窑: dutch kiln硬烧砖: hard burned brick半焙烧砖: half baked brick简易烧砖窑: clamp kiln内燃烧砖法: internal firing of brick烧砖和烘砖: backing and burning of bricks堆砌式烧砖窑: bock kiln磷酸铝不烧砖系列: aluminophosphat bonded firebricks; aluminophosphatbondedfirebricks不经过煅烧的砖 不烧砖: unfiredbrick免社会阶层影响测验: class free test; class-free test; free test免僧: a monk whose attendance at the daily assembly is excused for other duties免失志: avoid losing ambition免润滑油和润滑脂的摩擦片: belagsegmente frei von l und fett facings exempt from oil and grease免试: be excused from an examination 得分高的学生期终考试可以免试。 students who get very high marks will be exempted from the final examination免权利金: royalty free免试换领内地驾驶证: direct issue of mainland driving permit