免: dismiss; relieve; remove治: rule; administer; govern; ma ...鸡: chicken饭: cooked cereals鸡饭: chicken rice免治牛: mince免治牛肉饭: minced beef with rice治鸡眼的: anthhelotic治鸡眼药: antheloticum治鸡眼者: cheiropodist; chiropodist鸡饭汤: chicken rice soup白烩鸡饭: chicken in white sauce with rice白汁鸡饭: boiled chicken with cream sauce; chicken with cream sauce and rice查理鸡饭: charles chicken rice海南鸡饭: hainan chicken rice; hainanese chicken rice; rice rhapsody荷香田鸡饭: pork frog with lotus flavor皇家鸡饭: chicken à la king芥喱鸡饭: chicken curry with leaf mustard and rice咖哩鸡饭: curried chicken with rice; curry chicken rice; curry chicken with rice咖喱鸡饭: chicken curried rice; curried chicken with rice; curry chicken and rice腊肠滑鸡饭: chinese sausage & chicken rice摩罗鸡饭: chicke ilau; chicken pilau奶油烩鸡饭: chicken in white sauce with rice; stewed chicken and rice in cream; stewed chicken and rice with cream茄汁子鸡饭: capsicam with eggplant双菇滑鸡饭: mushroom and chicken rice; rice with fired chicken w/two kind of mushroom