Under which condition do the organization fit the crozier ' s low efficient model 什么条件下表现出克罗茨描述的低效率刚性
Louise kisling , sister of clinton krotz , a soldier killed in world war ii whose letter was finally made it home after 60 years 二战阵亡士兵克林顿?克罗茨的遗书终于在60年后送达家人手中.对此克林顿的姐姐路易丝?吉斯林心存感激
Louise kisling said she heard about her brother ' s letter through word of mouth . clinton krotz an infantry soldier in italy during the war was killed in action on may 8 1944 克林顿-克罗茨在二战时是一名在法国作战的陆军士兵,他于1944年5月8日阵亡。
So many researchers have put forward the different opinions , for example , crozier established the low efficient sticky characteristics model of bureaucracy robert morton suggested anti - function theory of bureaucracy , and etc . the unavoidable questions must be investigated are : does the bureaucracy really show efficient principles ? can the bureaucracy reflect the value of stabilization and equality 但是,科层制并不是总能够表现出理性的特征,越来越多的学者们提出与马克斯?韦伯不同的观点,例如克罗茨crozier的“科层制的低效率刚性”模型、 robertmorton罗伯特?默顿的科层制的反功能理论,等等。