Kramer could submit what seemed to the information-starved germans to peer direct into the allies' minds . 克拉默尔提供的情报,似乎能使如饥似渴地想获取情报的德国人直接窥探到同盟国的意图。
Nurse cramer had a cute nose and a radiant, blooming complexion dotted with fetching sprays of adorable freckles . 克拉默护士生了一个逗人喜欢的鼻子,红光满面,生气勃勃的脸庞上布满了一片片迷人的,俊俏可笑的雀斑。
That widow on monday was it outside cramer s that looked at me 就在星期一,那个寡妇在克拉默那家店外面瞧我来着。
Cramer applied for the job but lost out to a man who had much more experience 克拉默曾谋求那个职位,但败给另一个更有经验的人。
Since mr . cramer is a traveling salesman , he ' s often difficult to run to ground 因为克拉默先生是在各地巡游的推销员,所以常常难以弄清他正在什么地方。