Supernova explosion at song dynasty and the principle of constancy of light velocity 宋代超新星爆发事件与光速不变原理
Examples of the absoluteness include the principle of invariance for velocity of light , the principle of special relativity , the principle of general relativity , eigenlength , eigentime , minkowski four dimensional space - time 在教学中常常强调其中的”相对” ,而忽视了相对论中还有“绝对”的一面,如光速不变原理、狭义相对性原理、广义相对性原理、本征长度、本征时间、闵可夫斯基四维时空等都具有绝对性。
光速: velocity of light a surname不变: invariant原理: principle; tenet; axiom; the ...磁链不变原理: constant flux linkage theorem动量不变原理: conservation of momentum能量不变原理: conservation of energy不变原则: principle of invariance共变原理: covariance principle均变原理: principal of uniformity; principle of uniformity转变原理: transforming principle资本不变原则: doctrine of unchanging capital广义协变原理: principle of general covariance无限小应变原理: infinitesimal strain theory不变性原理: principle of invariance保持表速不变的下降: constant airspeed descent不变嵌入原理: invariant embedding principle不变相对原理: invariant relativity principle光速: speed of light; velocity of light (光磁); light velocity; ray velocity 光速约为每秒30万公里。 the velocity of light is about 300,000 kilometres per second可能碰撞点(当目标船保持航向、航速不变: point of possible collision绝对不变性原理: absolute invariance principle量纲不变性原理: principle of dimensional invariance坐标不变性原理: principle of coordinate invariance速不台: subutai突变原: mutagen诱变原: mutagen