光纤: fibre-optical到: 39边: side; section光纤到村: fttv fiber to the village光纤到大楼: fiber to the building fttb; fttb:fiber to the building; fttb: fiber to the building光纤到公寓: ftta fiber to the apartment光纤到户: ftth fiber to the home; fttp光纤到环路: fiber to the loop光纤到机箱: fttca fiber to the cabinet光纤到家: fiber to the home ftth; fiber-to-the-home (ftth); gb fiber-to-the-home; gbfiber-to-the-home光纤到家庭: ftth:fiber to the home; ftth: fiber to the home光纤到节点: fttn fiber to the node; gfc fiber-to-the-node; gfcfiber-to-the-node光纤到近邻: fttc (fiber to the curb)光纤到馈线: fiber to the feeder光纤到楼: ftth fttn fiber-to-the-building; ftto fiber-to-the-building光纤到楼层: fttf fiber to the floor光纤到楼群: fiber to the curb光纤到楼宇: fttb fiber to the building光纤到路边: fiber in the curb (fitc); fiber to the curb fttc; fiber-to-the-curb (fttc); fttc fiber to the curb; fttc:fiber to the curb; ftto fiber-to-the-curb; ga fiber-to-the-curb; gafiber-to-the-curb光纤到农村: fttr fiber to the rural光纤到桥梁: fttb fiber to the bridge光纤到设备: fiber to the equipment光纤到小区: fiber to the neighborhood; fttz fiber to the zone光纤到用户: fttc fiber to the customer; ftts fiber to the subscriber光纤到远端: fiber to the remote fttr