Digital input may also be used for digital audio output of an internal cd - rom drive 数字输入亦可接cd光盘机数字音频输出ttl
How to install the card reader ? there is a disc along with the card reader . simply insert the disc into your cd - rom to execute the software and the card reader installation will be done 不论是东元赠送的读卡机或是您另外购买东元的读卡机,其内都有附一张光盘,只要放入您的电脑光盘机执行安装控制软体,即可完成安装读卡机。
Many functions must be implemented through the mechanism , such as information recorded and read , disc drived , signal processed and amplified , optical pick - up drived and servo etc . the quality of dvd player is affected derectly by the quality of its mechanism Dvd机芯是dvd数字光盘机的关键部件,信息的记录与读取,光盘的驱动,信号的处理与放大,光头的驱动与伺服等都是机芯来完成的。 dvd机芯的质量好与坏将直接影响dvd视盘机的质量。
光盘: light disk机: machine; engine单片光盘机: single platter optical disk drive电视光盘机: optical video disk drive; optical videodisk drive只读光盘机: cd rom; read-only optical disk drive视频压缩光盘(光盘机): vcd video compact disc多片式光盘机: juke box光盘机控制器: controller optical disk; optical-disk controller可擦写光盘机: erasable and alterable optical disk drive可烧录光盘机: cd-r可拭除式光盘机: erasable optical drive可重复读写光盘机: cd-rw可擦写光盘机磁光驱: magneto optical disk drive插盘机: pinboard machine磁盘机: disc unit; disk drivers; diskette drive; du disk unit; floppy driver; magnetic disk device; magnetic disk pack unit; magnetic disk unit; platter打盘机: coil winding machine; whipping machine; whisk machine缝盘机: linking machines铰盘机: ream tray machine绞盘机: capstan engine; drawbeam; ground skidder; gypsy yarder; teagle; winch machine盘机孔: barring hole软盘机: diskette drive; flexible disk cartridge; flexible disk drive; flexible disk unit; flo y drive; floppy disk drive (fdd); floppy drive温盘机: wind cup洗盘机: tray washing machine硬盘机: hard disk drive (hdd); harddisk drive圆盘机: merry go round machine