In this dissertation , the photo - addressed cds - cdse liquid crystal light valve and its application in large screen projection displays are studied 本论文的研究工作,主要针对光寻址液晶光阀及其在大屏幕投影中的应用展开。
The core of the lock - in amplifier used to measure response of laps consists of a high precision modulator / demodulator and dds as signal generator 对于光寻址电位传感器,我们设计了以高精度调制解调器件和数字频率合成器件为核心的模拟锁相放大器。
Multiple measurement techniques ( chalcogenide ion selective electrode , differential pulse stripping voltammetry , light addressable potential sensor ) have been combined to detect nine kinds of heavy metal 仪器使用多种测量技术(硫属玻璃电极,差分脉冲溶出伏安法和光寻址电位传感器)联用测量九种重金属元素。
The photo - addressed light crystal light valve ( lclv ) is a high performance spatial light modulator . it is not only used in displays , but also widely used in optical information processing , optical computing and other information systems 光寻址液晶光阀是一种性能优越的空间光调制器,它不仅应用于显示,也广泛应用于光信息处理、光计算以及其他信息系统中。
Xu lei ( physical electronics ) directed by pro . han jinghong the light - addressable potentiometric sensor ( laps ) is a novel kind of field - effect sensor , which has great ability in light addressing and multi - parameter detection 光寻址电位传感器( lightaddressablepotentiometricsensor , laps )是一种新型的具有强大光寻址能力和多参数检测能力的场效应传感器。