Thermoluminescence dating can determine the age of antiquities 古物可以用热释光定年法判定年代
A new method of calibrating structlight 一种新的结构光定标方法
Thermoluminescence dating is commonly used to determine the age of pottery 热释光定年法常被用作判断陶器的年代。
Thermoluminescence dating can be used to determine how much time has elapsed since the last time the object was heated . the older the object , the more light will be released 热释光定年法可判断古物距离最近的一次加热的时间,古物发出的热释光越强,年代就越远,反之,则属较近期。
Thermoluminescence dating can be used to determine how much time has elapsed since the last time the object was heated . the older the object , the more light will be released . thermoluminescence dating is commonly used to determine the age of pottery 热释光定年法可判断古物距离最近的一次加热的时间,古物发出的热释光越强,年代就越远,反之,则属较近期。