The fva - uv is an opto - mechanical device that controls the amount of light transmitted between two optical fibers . internal disc varies attenuation from 0 - 100 % Uv是一个光学机械装置,可控制在两根光纤之间传输的光的数量,内部光片可在0 - 100 %改变衰减率。
Our comprehensive line of services includes generating , shaping and polishing components ; creating electro - optic and opto - mechanical components and assemblies ; designing and depositing optical coatings ; producing mass - quantity oem components and " one - off " custom designs ; and performing extensive testing to ensure the highest quality components 我们拥有多功能的生产线,能够对光学组件进行成型、整型和抛光等一系列操作,能够制造和组装电镀光学和光学机械组件;能够设计和沉积各种光学涂层;并能够完成oem组件的大规模生产和定制组件的单批次生产,还能结合广泛的性能测试,以保证为客户提供最佳品质的光学组件。
Moreover , the thesis emphasis on designing the servo system of the stabilized platform and provide the experimental result . combining the requirement and concerned optical mechanism , in the research this paper design the hardware of the servo system and establish the system module on the basis of analyzing control theories and summarizing various control methods . it gives pid rectifying for the velocity inner link and compound control ( forward + feedback ) rectifying for the position link 在平台稳定伺服系统研究中,结合相关的光学机械结构,设计了控制系统的硬件,并在此基础上从控制理论分析入手,在总结了各种控制方法的基础上,建立了本系统的数学模型,以速度内环采用pid校正,位置环采用前馈+反馈的复合控制方案实现对伺服系统的控制,并经双线性变换离散化,推导出系统校正的状态方程。