Further more , we ve been specializing in and tooling other high - quality devices of sight test as well 产品通光孔径大,配制戴舒适,验光准确可靠,深受国内外客户的喜爱。
The surface roughness of the fabricated micro - optics structure is in the nanometer range ; the feature height of the diffractive phase step is in the sub - micrometer range ; and can be adjusted according to requirements ; and the optical aperture of the microlens can be changed from millimeter to centimeter magnitude 所制微光学结构的表面粗糙度在纳米量级,衍射相位台阶的高度在亚微米量级并可以根据需求灵活调整,通光孔径在毫米至厘米量级的范围内可调。