光头党: skinheads光头的: calvous光头斧: pick-head axe光头胎: slicks光头鞋: plain toe shoes光头靴: plain toe boots激光头: laser head抛光头: buffing head曝光头: lighthead剃光头: have one's head shaved光头稗子: jaglerice光头救星: everlasting piece, an光头李进: guang tou lijin光头骑士: the bald knight光头青年: skinhead光头秃额: with balding hair and shining forehead光头研光器: smooth burnisher光头阳线: red marubozu光头阴线: black marubozu光头冤家: once more with feeling光学曝光头: optical exposure head激光头部件: laser head block激光头装置: laser head assembly; laserheadassembly集成光头: integrated optical head光投影: optical projection光投射角: emission angle