先: earlier; before; first; in a ...染: dye丝: silk纺染丝: pigmented yarn核染丝: karyomit侵染丝: infect hypha污染丝: soiled thread染丝之变: the colour of the silk will be changed as it is dyed.; one takes on the colour of one's company侵染丝,感染菌丝,传染性菌丝: infection hypha先让我把脸洗了: just let me rinse my face off先群: sakishima islands先人: 1.(祖先) ancestor; forefather2.(已故的父亲) my late father先犬属: cynodictis先人的召还: ancestral recall先痊优先: preempted先人后己: put the interest of others above one's own; put others before oneself; put other people before oneself先去著名的老佛爷百货: galleries lafayette先人后己, 不自私, 忘乎所以, 失去知觉: forget oneself先去曼哈顿: first we take manhattan