We will describe ongoing work , suggested by the computational schemes described earlier , which shows that several visual tasks can be learned from a set of associations 我们将透过先前的统计资料,探讨正在进行中的研究许多视觉认知是运用联想而学习的。
先前: before; previously的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...统计: statistics; census; numerica ...先前的: antecedent; anterior; foregoing; foregone; late; preceding; previous / prior / former; prior在前的,先前的: preceding过去,先前的: foregone先前,在前的: previous先前的,过早的: previous a. happening, coming or being earlier in time or order先前的,上述的: preceding先前的,先行的: antecedent先前的利润: previous profit先前的债项: antecedent debt有先前的: prev: previous先前的检查面: previous check surface先前的零件面: previous part surface先前的驱动面: previous drive surface走在先前的人: ancestre=one who goes before精确的统计: accurate statistics量的统计: quantitative statistics; statistics of variables质的统计: statistics of attributes承认先前的学历: rpl低效的统计数: inefficient statistic核的统计模型: statistical model of nucleus数据库的统计: ad audit database一致的统计量: consistent statistic