先: earlier; before; first; in a ...入: enter后: behind; back; rear出: used as a complement先入后出原则: first-in-last-out principle后出: nochide刺入后: after insertion扎入后: after insertion先入律: law of prior entry先入先: first in first out先入者: pioneers后出法: lifo插入后强拆: breakdown after intrusion写入后读出: read after write租入后转租: rent to re rent脚先入水: feet first entry; feet foremost; feet-first entry头先入水: head first entry先入成见: preoccupation先入观念: prejudice; prepossession先入特其拉: oz. tequila先入为主: first impressions are strongest [most lasting].; be prejudiced by first impressions [preconceived ideas]; first impressions are firmly entrenched.; preconceived ideas keep a strong hold.; whosoever enters first is master先入先出: fifo,first-in first-out,; first in first out先入先出法: first-in first-out method先入先出栈: first-in first-out stack先入之见: preconception; preconceived idea [notion]; prejudice; the first idea that came into one's head [mind]