- (用不够格的人或物来凑足数额) make up the number; serve as a stopgap; merely to take a part
- 填充数: occupation number
- 补充数据: comp. complement data
- 补充数学: additional mathematics
- 滥竽充数: pretend to play the yu (a wind instrument) in order to make up the number for an orchestra -- to be included in a group just to fill in a vacancy; act as a stopgap; be dragged in to swell the total; fill a post without real qualifications; hold a post without qualifications; just fill up a vacancy; make up a number without active work; pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble -- to be there just to make up the number (used of incompetent people or inferior goods); put in men who cannot work 我不会唱歌, 我在这儿只是滥竽充数。 i am not good at singing. i'm here just to make up the number
- 填充数据: padding data