

发音:   用"儿童消瘦"造句
  • pedatrophia
  • pedatrophy
  • 儿童:    children
  • 消瘦:    become thin; emaciated; beco ...
  • 少年儿童消防团:    arky'sfiredepartment; sparky's fire department
  • 消瘦:    1.(变瘦)become thin; emaciated; become emaciated 看上去有点消瘦 look a bit emaciated; 他一天天消瘦下去。 he is getting thinner every day.2.[医学] marasmus; maransis; macies; asarcia; wasting; emaciation; symptosis; tabescence; tabification
  • 使消瘦:    emaciate; macerate


        儿童:    children
        消瘦:    become thin; emaciated; beco ...
        少年儿童消防团:    arky'sfiredepartment; sparky's fire department
        消瘦:    1.(变瘦)become thin; emaciated; become emaciated 看上去有点消瘦 look a bit emaciated; 他一天天消瘦下去。 he is getting thinner every day.2.[医学] marasmus; maransis; macies; asarcia; wasting; emaciation; symptosis; tabescence; tabification
        使消瘦:    emaciate; macerate
        消耗;消瘦:    syntexis
        消瘦, 憔悴:    pine away
        消瘦,消耗:    marasmus
        消瘦病:    pine
        消瘦的:    hungry; marantic; peaked; peaky; syntectic; tabescent; tabid; wizened
        消瘦型:    marasmus malnutrition
        消瘦症:    magersucht; pathologic leanness
        憔悴,消瘦:    peak
        儿童:    children 无辜的儿童 an innocent child; 未满5岁儿童免费。 children under five years of age are not charged.; 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children; 儿童保健服务机构 child health services; 儿童保育事业 child care; 儿童背带裤 coogan; 儿童电视剧 children's tv show; 儿童读物 children's books; 儿童短衫 toddlers; 儿童福利 child-welfare; 儿童福利基金会 children's welfare foundation; 儿童歌曲 children's song; 儿童个性问卷 children personality questionaire; 儿童公园 children park; 儿童广播剧 radio play for children; 儿童教养院 protectory; 儿童教育 education for children; 儿童教育学 paeduetics; 儿童节 (international) children's day (june l); 儿童节目 children's programs; 儿童精神病学 child psychiatry; 儿童竞赛帆船 j boat; 儿童缺陷学 defectology; 儿童食品 infant foods; 儿童受虐综合症 battered child syndrome; 儿童烫伤综合征 scalded-child syndrome; 儿童统觉测验 [心] children's apperception test; 儿童图书馆 junior library; 儿童团 the children's corps; 儿童围涎 tier; 儿童卫生 child health; 儿童文学 children's [juvenile] literature; 儿童小手帕 muckinder; 儿童心理 infantile psychology; 儿童行为诊疗所 habit clinic; 儿童牙科学 pedodontics; pedodontia; pediodontia; 儿童医院 children's hospital; 儿童营养 child nutrition; 儿童游戏场 children playgrounds; 儿童语言 child [little; nursery] language; 儿童阅览室 children's reading room; 儿童中心教育 child-centered education
        腹病性消瘦:    gastrophthisis
        过度消瘦:    excessive emaciation; excessive emacition
        肌肉消瘦:    muscle wasting; muscular wasting; pathologic leanness
        极度消瘦:    skeletization
        家畜消瘦病:    lechsucht
        进行性消瘦:    progressive emaciation
        老年性消瘦:    geromarasmus
        脸部消瘦:    facial wasting
        落掉;抛弃;消瘦:    fall away
        面容消瘦:    look emaciated
        呕吐消瘦病:    vomiting and wasting disease


  1. "儿童纤维胃镜"英文
  2. "儿童纤维支气管内镜诊断治疗中心"英文
  3. "儿童香波"英文
  4. "儿童哮喘"英文
  5. "儿童哮喘健"英文
  6. "儿童小手帕"英文
  7. "儿童小圆蓝细胞肿瘤"英文
  8. "儿童鞋"英文
  9. "儿童心理"英文
  10. "儿童心理测查室"英文


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