儿童: children发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...综合性: comprehensiveness; integrity服务: give service to; be in the s ...儿童发展服务: icds综合儿童发展计划: integrated child development scheme儿童发展: child development混合性服务: multi-function service综合性儿童服务: integrated services for children儿童发展纲要: the programs for the development of work儿童发展中心: child development centre; children's development center全面儿童发展: comprehensive child development发展综合计划: development package儿童发育和发展: child growth and development儿童发展规划纲要: npa儿童发展理事会: abcd非洲儿童发展中心: child development center for africa妇女儿童发展纲要: the programs for the development of work concerning women and children国际儿童发展中心: international child development centre中国儿童发展纲要: national programme of action for child development in china儿童保护性服务: protective services儿童个性服务处: child personality service戴德梁行商业项目发展综合顾问服务建议书: rar发展综合计划;整套发展计划: development package整套发展计划;发展综合计划: development package
儿童发展综合性服务的法语:services intégrés pour le développement de l’enfant儿童发展综合性服务的俄语:комплексные службы по вопросам развития детей儿童发展综合性服务的阿拉伯语:خدمات تنمية الطفل المتكاملة;