像: likeness; portrait; picture呆: slow-witted; dull鹅: goose的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...呆鹅爸爸: father goose似鹅的: goosy象鹅的: anserine鹅的统称: gaggle企鹅的滑梯: slislidin' away企鹅的三月: march of the penguins天鹅的绒毛: swansdown天鹅的窝: the swan’s nest天鹅的窠: the swan's nest白天鹅的故事: story of white swan养鹅的老妈妈: old mother goose好像呆在那里就会很尴尬: seems embarrassed to be there蠢姑娘,养鹅的女孩,: the goose-girl大企鹅的滑雪比赛: big penguin race黑天鹅的凄美挽歌: ave end讲的帝企鹅的故事: voa special english像袋子似的: baggier; baggiest像大理石的: like marble像刀一样垂直插入到: efgh像大教堂的: cathedral像倒翻: somersaulting of image像大洞穴般的深度: cavernous depths