Finally , transient temperature distributing is simulated . thermo - soakback phenomena , electrical heating efficiency of catalyst bed and outer space radiation are analyzed 分析了热回浸现象、催化床电加热效能以及外空间辐射换热等问题。
An experimental gas generator installation was established and applied to research the self - ignition behavior of ethanol while it was injected into hot oxidizing gas mixture produced by decomposing of h2o2 with high concentration 装置中质量分数为90 %的过氧化氢溶液由高压气挤推,通过催化床完成催化分解,产生高温气体;质量分数为97 %的酒精溶液经由分布喷嘴喷入过氧化氢分解气体中发生自燃,从而提高气体温度。
The performance of catalyst beds was experimentally studied . the influence on decomposition was investigated with changing the mass flux through the cross of the catalyst bed and the initial temperature of the catalyst bed . the experimental results were compared with those of the numerical simulation 对过氧化氢催化床的催化性能进行了试验研究,分析了催化床床载、催化床初始温度对过氧化氢催化分解的影响,与一维情况下的数值仿真结果进行了对比。