储: store up; save; keep in rese ...水层: water-course储水隔水层: aquiclude合水层储水: aquifer storage储水不透水层: aquiclude储油气层;储水层: reservoir含水层储水量: aquifer storage储水: storing and accumulating water in aqueducts, cisterns and reservoirs; water storage水层: water-course◇水层生物 pelagos储水胞: ampulla储水槽: aqua storage tank; water storage tank储水池: aqua storage tank; reception basin; service basin; service reservoir储水管: standpipe储水罐: holding tank of water; water storage tank储水湖: reservoir lake; reservoirlake储水量: moisture storage capacity; water accumulating capacity; water storage capacity; water-storing capacity储水泡: water bladder; water vesicle储水器: water receiver储水台: stock kettle储水箱: reserve tank; storage water tank; water storage tank热储水: reservoir water排水层;疏水层: drainage layer沉淀储水池: waste deposit储水空间: water space储水能力: storage capacity; storagecapacity