储存: lay in; lay up; store up; ke ...体: body; part of the body标记: tab; sign; stamp; peg; label ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...开始: begin; start; initiate; comm ...档标记的开始: beginning of a file label文件标记的开始: beginning of a file label标记的开端: mark the beginning of主储存体、大量储存体: mass storage储存体倾印: dumping storage建立储存体: create storage elements离线储存体: off-line unit联机储存体: on-line teller system(bank)音响储存体: acoustic storage主要储存体: primary storage medium标记的: gauged; labelled活体标记: in vivo marker抗体标记: antibody labeling染色体标记: marker of chromosome磁盘片储存体: diskette storage结构化储存体: structured storage无作用储存体: dead store永续性储存体: persistent storage; person-to-person service标记的,加标记的,加了标记的: tagged全标记的,普通标记的: generally labelled