储备: store for future use; lay in ...军人: soldier后备军人: landwehr; reservist战备军人: operationally ready national servicemen (ns)储备军官训练团: rotc海军后备军人港内训练: nrtipt退伍军人和后备军人争取结束越南战争组织: veterans and reservists to end the war in veitnam organization海军预备军人训练;正常额定推力: nrt军人: soldier; serviceman; armyman 复员军人 demobilized soldier; 现役军人 persons in active service; 职业军人 a career [professional; occupation] soldier; 残废军人 a disabled soldier; a crippled soldier; 他看上去像一个军人。 he looks like a soldier.; 军人大会 soldier's conference (of a company); 军人家属 soldier's [army] dependants; armyman's family members 常备军: a standing army; regular army; stationary后备军: 1.(预备役军人) reserves2.(补充力量) reserve force 产业后备军 industrial reserve army; industrial reserve; reserve army of labour; 海湾战争即将爆发时, 美国把后备军召集起来。 the reserve is called out in the u.s.a. when the gulf war is impending储备: 1.(储存备用) store for future use; lay in; lay up 储备过冬饲料 lay up fodder for the winter; 储备粮食 store up grain; build up supplies of grain2.(储藏品) reserve; store 黄金储备 gold reserve; 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; 储备原料 have raw materials in store产业后备军: industrial reserve army工业后备军: industrial reserve force; industrial revenue army设备军官: equipment officer预备军官: reserve officer正规军,常备军: regular army装备军队: equip an army后备军官协会: reserve officers association后备军官学校: reserve officers service school空军后备军官: air reserve officer军人斑: soldier spots军人报: der soldat; soldat der; soldat, der军人的: mar; military; soldierly军人魂: guns at batasi