偷: steal; pilfer; burglarize; m ...书: write癖: addiction; weakness for偷书狂: bibliokleptomania偷书人: biblioklept爱书癖: bibliophilism藏书癖: bibiiomania; bibliomania盗书癖: bibliokleptomania藏书癖,藏书狂: bibliomania藏书癖的: bibliomaniac撕书癖者: biblioclast有藏书癖: bibliomaniac有藏书癖的: bibliomaniacal藏书癖者的爱情: the love affairs of a bibliomaniac偷税: evade taxes; tax dodging; tax evasion偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税: tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes偷税的伎俩: a tax dodge偷尸: body snatching偷税漏税: evade taxes; defraud the revenue; evade the payment of tax; tax evasion偷牲畜: rustle偷税漏税贩运香烟: buttlegging偷生怕死: cling to life and be scared of death; live dishonourably for fear of death