Clone of some new liver cancer genes down - regulated by nourishing spleen and enriching qi 健脾益气法下调大鼠肝癌有关新基因的克隆
Ginseng and atractylodes macrocephala that have the effects of invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney and invigorating the yang are the adjuvant drugs 人参,白术等健脾益气,振阳为佐故该方具有养肝,生肝,强体免疫功效。
The analytical results showed that the most common appeared syndrome was spleen deficiency , followed by kidney deficiency , deficiency of both qi and blood , dampness , nourishing kidney , regulating stomach , expelling dampness herbs were commonly used 根据报道的文献数量和病例数量,证型以脾虚证最多见,其余包括肾虚证、气血两虚证、湿证、瘀毒证;临床用药以健脾益气、清热解毒、活血化瘀、益肾、和胃、祛湿中药最常用。
Bighead atractylodes rhizome and poria cocos have the effects of reinforce the spleen to replenish qi , enriching the blood and production of sperm and are also the adjuvant drugs . in this prescription , there are also fructus cannabis and bunge cherry seed that can loose the bowel to relieve constipation . so gizzard - membrane smoothness tablet has the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach , regulating the flow of qi to alleviate pain and loosing the bowel to relieve constipation 组成配方:以内金为主药,药理如上述尚有焦山楂,焦麦芽,对胃消化不良,恶心,反胃有奇效,故为君药丁香一味,则有胃痛克星之美誉,是为臣药山药,茯苓等健脾益气,养血生精而佐药尚有火麻仁,郁李仁等润肠通便为使,故内金畅通片具有健脾和胃,理气止痛,润肠通便之效果尤其内金化积肉消肿块,更切合前列腺肿大之病情,其效甚着。
健脾: tonifying spleen益: benefit; profit; advantage气: gas健脾益肺: strengthening spleen and tonifying lung补脾益气: invigorating spleen and replenishing qi益气健脾: nourishing qi to invigorate spleen; replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen补脾益气,补中益气: tonifying spleen for nourishing qi健脾益胃胶囊: jpyw益气: masuke; supplement the vital energy; yake健脾的: spleen strengthening健脾丸: pill for invigorating the spleen; spleen-strengthening bolus健脾胃: nourish the spleen and stomach; promote digestion; strengthen the spleen and stomach; strengthen the spleen and the stomach; strengthening the spleen and stomach健脾药: spleen-strengthening drug补气,益气: invigorating qi; tonifying qi益气汤: decoction for replenishing qi益气丸: bolus for replenishing qi益气血: replenishing qi and blood; replenishingqiandblood益气药: drugs for reinforcing qi补脾益肺: invigorate the spleen to benefit the lung; invigorating the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforce the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforcethespleentobenefitthelung补气健脾: invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen大健脾丸: large spleen-strengthening pill健脾,益脾,补脾: invigorating spleen健脾补肺: strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung; strengtheningthespleenandtonifyingthelung健脾补胃: reinforce the spleen and stomach健脾和胃: strengthening the spleen and stomach