- check
- 停顿: stop; halt; pause; be at a s ...
- 校验: verification; check; proof; ...
- 抑制: restrain; control; check; ho ...
- 停顿: 1.(事情中止或暂停) stop; halt; pause; be at a standstill; time-cut; stagnate; paralysis; dwell 他的指导原则是永不停顿地学习。 his guiding principle has been never to stop learning.2.(说话时语音上的间歇) pause (in speaking) 读到这里要停顿一下。 when you've read up to here, you pause
- 校验: verification; check; proof; proof test; testing; inspection; checking◇校验表 checking table; 校验点 checkpoint; 校验电路 checking circuit; calibration circuit; 校验符号 checking symbol; 校验和 check sum; 校验寄存器 check register; 校验器 checker; 校验仪表 check meter; 校验仪器 tester; 校验装置 calibration equipment