停靠港: port of call沿途: on the way; throughout a jou ...靠岸: pull in to shore; draw along ...港口: port; harbour; navigation op ...(沿途)停靠港,暂停港: port of call停靠港口: touchpoc =port of all (沿途)停靠港。: poc沿途停靠的港口: port of call寄泊港 停靠港 沿途停泊港: portofcall停靠港: calling port; poc; port of call; port of entry; portofcall; ports of call停靠港,寄船港: port of call下一停靠港: next port of call中途停靠港: intermediate port停靠港寄泊港: port of call下一个停靠港: next port of call沿途到港停靠: port call停靠港,(飞机)中间停留站: port of call大西洋沿岸港口: atlantic coast ports {= atl太平洋海岸港口: pacific coast ports {= pac太平洋沿岸港口: pacific coast ports靠港: reach port; touch at a port 那条船将于明晨靠港。 the ship will reach port tomorrow morning沿途: on the way; throughout a journey 沿途见到许多趣事 see a lot of interesting things on the way; 沿途平靖 peace along the road靠岸: pull in to shore; draw alongside 靠岸而驶 hug the shores; 驶船靠岸 steer a boat in shore; 靠岸缆索 [船舶工程] checkline; 靠岸桥墩 end pier; 靠岸日数 lay days; 靠岸条款 shore clause 停靠: calling; stop; berth: 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。 six 10,000-ton freighters can berth at this dock. 下一个停靠站离这里很远。 the next stop is much further on.◇停靠港 port of call; 停靠站 stop station允许装货期间, 靠岸日数, 港口耽搁日: lay days