

  • laying up
  • laying-up
  • 停运:    off-stream; off-the-line
  • 保养:    take good care of one's heal ...
  • 保养:    1.(保护调养) take good care of one's health; keep fit 好好保养你的身体。 take good care of your health.2.(保护修理) keep in good repair; maintain; maintenance; upkeep; service 机器保养 maintenance of machinery; 保养费 cost of maintenance; maintenance cost; upkeep; 保养工 fettler; oiler; maintenance worker; 保养规程 routine order; 保养计划 maintenance project; 保养间隔期 reserve maintenance period; 保养器材 maintenance stores; 保养说明 maintenance instruction; 保养箱 maintenance kit; 保养周期 maintenance period
  • 停运的:    non-operating
  • 停运期:    laydays


        停运:    off-stream; off-the-line
        保养:    take good care of one's heal ...
        保养:    1.(保护调养) take good care of one's health; keep fit 好好保养你的身体。 take good care of your health.2.(保护修理) keep in good repair; maintain; maintenance; upkeep; service 机器保养 maintenance of machinery; 保养费 cost of maintenance; maintenance cost; upkeep; 保养工 fettler; oiler; maintenance worker; 保养规程 routine order; 保养计划 maintenance project; 保养间隔期 reserve maintenance period; 保养器材 maintenance stores; 保养说明 maintenance instruction; 保养箱 maintenance kit; 保养周期 maintenance period
        停运的:    non-operating
        停运期:    laydays
        停运权:    stoppage in transitu
        航运保:    protecting policy of shipping
        分步停运:    step shutdown
        紧急停运:    emergency outage; emergency shutdown
        紧急停运杆:    emergency shutdown rod
        经停运输:    stop-over traffic
        列车停运:    withdrawal of train
        停运时间:    idling time; outage time
        停运贮藏池:    offstream storage
        停运装置:    idle unit
        暂停运动:    dwell motion (tarry motion)
        驳运保险:    lighter insurance
        船运保险:    shipping insurance
        海运保险:    insurance
        海运保险单:    marine i urance policy; marine insurance policy
        海运保险费:    insurance of ocean transportation; marine premium
        海运保险商:    underwriter
        航运保险:    shipping insurance
        航运保政策:    protecting policy of shipping
        货运保留:    cargo reservation


  1. "停育型(蚜虫)"英文
  2. "停援通知"英文
  3. "停云落月"英文
  4. "停匀"英文
  5. "停运"英文
  6. "停运充油管线"英文
  7. "停运的"英文
  8. "停运期"英文
  9. "停运权"英文
  10. "停运时间"英文


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