Check valve applied in descreasing water hammer pressure when the pump stops 止回阀在减小停泵水锤压力中的应用
Analysis on transient process in low - head pumping installation during its suspending period 低扬程泵装置停泵过渡过程分析
If the pressure does not build immediately , stop the pump and determine the cause 如果压力不能很快升高,停泵并查找原因。
To protect products oil pipelines the countermeasures against surge are presented including surge wave interception , automatic relief protection , automatic regulating protection and pump sequence shutdown 为保证成品油管道的安全稳定运行,提出了水击波拦截、自动泄压保护、自动调节保护、顺序停泵保护及加强成品油管道运行管理等防止水击的措施。
How many pumps were turned on should be based on the dynamic design according to project target . and how many pumps should be in operation in standard shut off procedure . it was approved that although the theoretical boundary of decline of groundwater level is 10m , the actual boundary is only about 6m 提出了一些与真空预压加固地基设计相关的概念和处理方法,如定义真空预压加固区场地形状系数,提出按加固土体体积来确定射流泵数量、根据工程需要动态设计开泵量、增加停泵标准中对开泵量的规定等设计思想等,论证了真空预压加固地基时地下水位下降的理论极限深度为10m ,而实际极限深度约为6m 。
停: stop; halt; cease; pause泵: pump停泵;抽空: pumoff停泵装置: knock-off block自动停泵: pumtrip低位自动停泵试验: pumlow level automatic stotest停办乡村小学: closing rural schools/closing village schools停办企业: relinquishing of business停笔凝思: stop writing to think停办: suspend; close down; discontinue; scrap 那所学校因经费不足而暂时停办。 the school suspended for lack of finances停闭: close out停版: limit停闭电路: shut-off circuit停板限额: limit