

  • put in
  • :    make; manufacture; produce
  • 实行:    carry out; put into effect
  • :    动词1.(制造) make; manufacture; produce 做鞋 make shoes; 做衣服 make clothes; 用甜菜做糖 manufacture sugar with beets; 那里什么都是竹子做的。 everything there is made of bamboo.2.(写作) write; compose 做诗 compose a poem; 做文章 write literary works3.(从事某种工作或活动) do; work at; engage in 做生意 do business; carry on trade; 做苦力 labour; do hard manual work; 大事做不来, 小事又不做 be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones; 你们做了一件好事。 you have done a good thing [action]. 她在做一道数学难题。 she is working at a difficult problem in mathematics. 我们正在做我们的前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。 we are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by our forefathers. 我看他做得不太对。 i don't think he acted quite right.4.(举行家庭的庆祝或纪念活动) hold a family [home] celebration; celebrate 做生日 hold a birthday party; celebrate sb.'s birthday5.(充当; 担任) be; become; act as 做演员 become an actor or actress; go on the stage; 做翻译 act as interpreter; 先做学生, 后做先生。 be a pupil before you become a teacher.6.(用做) be used as 树皮可以做造纸的原料。 bark may be used as raw material for paper-making. 这块布可以做一对枕套。 this piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases.7.(结成关系) form or contract a relationship 做亲 (of two families) become relatives by marriage; 做朋友 make friends with; 做冤家对头 become opponent and foe8.(烹调) cook; prepare 做饭 do the cooking; prepare a meal; 她很会做菜。 she was skilled in preparing tasty dishes
  • 能(做),会(做):    be able to (do)
  • 一定(做),必然(做):    be certain to (do)


        :    make; manufacture; produce
        实行:    carry out; put into effect
        :    动词1.(制造) make; manufacture; produce 做鞋 make shoes; 做衣服 make clothes; 用甜菜做糖 manufacture sugar with beets; 那里什么都是竹子做的。 everything there is made of bamboo.2.(写作) write; compose 做诗 compose a poem; 做文章 write literary works3.(从事某种工作或活动) do; work at; engage in 做生意 do business; carry on trade; 做苦力 labour; do hard manual work; 大事做不来, 小事又不做 be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones; 你们做了一件好事。 you have done a good thing [action]. 她在做一道数学难题。 she is working at a difficult problem in mathematics. 我们正在做我们的前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。 we are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by our forefathers. 我看他做得不太对。 i don't think he acted quite right.4.(举行家庭的庆祝或纪念活动) hold a family [home] celebration; celebrate 做生日 hold a birthday party; celebrate sb.'s birthday5.(充当; 担任) be; become; act as 做演员 become an actor or actress; go on the stage; 做翻译 act as interpreter; 先做学生, 后做先生。 be a pupil before you become a teacher.6.(用做) be used as 树皮可以做造纸的原料。 bark may be used as raw material for paper-making. 这块布可以做一对枕套。 this piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases.7.(结成关系) form or contract a relationship 做亲 (of two families) become relatives by marriage; 做朋友 make friends with; 做冤家对头 become opponent and foe8.(烹调) cook; prepare 做饭 do the cooking; prepare a meal; 她很会做菜。 she was skilled in preparing tasty dishes
        实行:    put into practice; carry out; practise; implement; effectuation; layout 实行八小时工作制 institute an eight-hour (working) day; 实行社会监督 exercise social supervision; 实行产、运、销一条龙 make production, transportation and marketing a coordinated process; 实行集体领导 exercise collective leadership; 实行教育改革 carry out reforms in education; 实行全面的政治领导 exercise political leadership in all fields
        能(做),会(做):    be able to (do)
        一定(做),必然(做):    be certain to (do)
        安排…做…:    arrange for sb. to do
        从事,做:    perform v. do
        到达, 做:    get up to sth
        防止……做:    prevent……from
        强迫…做:    clin. cut of sth. by leaving out parts of it
        让……做……:    leave sth done
        说服……做……:    talk into
        用……做……:    be done with
        制造,做:    make
        阻碍…做:    inhibit sb. from
        做,干:    do
        做,制作:    make
        做…打算:    be prepare for
        做…行:    fit 1
        做,驱动:    ag,act
        做,执行:    perform
        做,制:    fact
        迟到(做)总比不到(做)好:    better late than never
        做…不容易,做……有困难:    have a problem doing


  1. "做,造成的,使之成…, 做…事"英文
  2. "做,执行"英文
  3. "做,制"英文
  4. "做,作;送给"英文
  5. "做;发挥;表现"英文
  6. "做;助动词"英文
  7. "做爱"英文
  8. "做爱后动物感伤"英文
  9. "做爱交合时间"英文
  10. "做爱片"英文


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