做: make; manufacture; produce自己: oneself不: a block of wood熟悉: know very well的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不熟悉的: der unbekannte, n; unacquainted; unconversant; unfamiliar不熟悉的地方: unfamiliar place未知的,不熟悉的: unbekannt业务不熟悉的: unskilled违背自己的良心(或原则)做自己不原做的事: bow down in the house/ temple of rimmon做自己的事: do your own things; paddle one's own canoe违背良心做自己不愿做的事情: bow down in the house of rimmon刚知道的, 刚开始做的, 不熟悉的: new to在不熟悉的机场着陆: strange field landing做自己份内的事: stick to one's last; sticktoone'slast做自己该做的事: br; do the thing you should do; face熟悉的: accquainted; acquainted; au courant; au fait; conersant; conversant; familiar; intimate; well-informed不熟悉: be not at home with; unfamiliarity当我躺在这张不熟悉的床上难以入睡时: when i'm restless in this unfamiliar bed i害怕外国人或不熟悉的东西: fear of foreigners or unfamiliar things使用别人不熟悉的技术术语: using unfamiliar technical jargon做自己: be myself; be yourself; i am me能做自己要做的事情: be master of one's time使自己不再去想烦恼的事: divert one's mind from one's worries对……是熟悉的: familiar to