

  • breath shallow
  • breathe shallow


        :    make; manufacture; produce
        :    shallow
        呼吸:    breathe; respire
        浅呼吸:    shallow breathing
        快速浅呼吸:    rapid shallow breathing
        呼吸:    1.(生物体同外界进行气体交换) breathe; respire 出去呼吸新鲜空气 go out for a breath of fresh air; 用鼻孔[嘴] 呼吸 breathe through the nostrils [mouth]; 我又能像个自由人一样呼吸了。 once again i breathed as a free man.2.breath; breathing; pneusis; anapnea; anapnoea; aspiration; respiration 屏住呼吸 bate [catch; hold] one's breath; 口对口呼吸 mouth-to-mouth respiration; 人工呼吸 artificial respiration; 他的呼吸迟缓而困难。 his breathing is laboured.; 呼吸促迫 cinclisis; tachypnea; 呼吸道 respiratory tract; pneogaster; 呼吸急促 tachypnea; ecphysesis; polypnea; 呼吸孔 spiracle; pneumostome; 呼吸率 respiratory rate; 呼吸面罩 breathing mask; 呼吸器 simbal; rebreather; aerophore; respirator; 呼吸器官 respiratory organ; 呼吸停止 respiratory arrest; 呼吸系统 respiratory system; systema respiratorium; 呼吸运动 respiratory movement; 呼吸运动学 respirometry; 呼吸暂停 apnea; apnoea; 呼吸正常 eupnea; 呼吸中枢 respiratory center
        呼吸,呼吸音:    respirations
        呼吸,呼吸作用:    respiration
        暗呼吸:    dark respiration
        胞呼吸:    cellular respiration
        鼻呼吸:    nasal respiration; nose breathing; respiratio nasalis
        蚕呼吸:    respiration of silkworm
        长呼吸:    apneusis; apneustic breathing; long respiration
        肠呼吸:    gastric respiration
        超呼吸:    hyperventilation
        肺呼吸:    pulmonary respiration
        腹呼吸:    abdominal respiration
        根呼吸:    root breath
        光呼吸:    light respiration◇光呼吸作用 photorespiration
        喉呼吸:    laryngeal respiration
        呼吸,螺旋:    spiro
        呼吸,动词:    breathe
        呼吸,生命:    spir
        呼吸;气息:    breath n. air taken into or out of lungs
        呼吸瓣:    breathing valva; breathing valve


  1. "做七"英文
  2. "做骑马游戏"英文
  3. "做起落航线飞行"英文
  4. "做乞丐"英文
  5. "做前置定语"英文
  6. "做强"英文
  7. "做鞘"英文
  8. "做亲"英文
  9. "做青"英文
  10. "做清洁工作"英文


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