- exquisite (in) workmanship
- 做工: do manual work; work workman ...
- 讲究: be particular about; pay att ...
- 做工: 1.(从事劳动) do manual work; work2.(工作质量) workmanship 做工粗劣 of poor workmanship; 做工精细[讲究] of exquisite workmanship3.(手工费) charge for the making of sth
- 讲究: 1.(力求精美完善; 讲求; 重视) be particular about; pay (great) attention to; devote particular care to; stress; strive for 讲究吃穿 be too fastidious about one's food or clothing; 讲究实际效果 stress practical results; 讲究效益 pay close attention to results; 讲究卫生 pay attention to hygiene; 现在城里人很讲究穿而且穿得很时髦。 nowadays, everyone in the city was very clothes-conscious and fashionable.2.(精美) exquisite; tasteful; costly; sumptuous; elegant 讲究的服装 elegant dress; 讲究的早餐 fine breakfast3.(值得注意或推敲的内容) careful study 教学法大有讲究。 teaching methods need careful study
- 冷做工: decoration - metal shaper