了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...错误: wrong; mistaken; incorrect; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...判断: judge; decide; determine; es ...错误的判决: false verdict就像我跳下了错误的路: as i’m bouncing down the wrong track如果你追随了错误的星星: if you follow the wrong star哪里出了错: listselectionmodel力量和荣耀但是他们投向了错误的一方: power and glory but for the wrong side出现了错误: un d e f犯了错误: make a mistake错误的: all wet; amiss; by mistakes; errant; erroneous; error; false; faulty; improper; in the wrong; incorrect 'finalize()' method; incorret; mistaken; perverse; wrong据实的判断: an objective appraisal冷静的判断: sober judgement美的判断: aestetic judgement内省的判断: introspective judgement轻率的判断: the rash judgment险象的判断: judgment of hazard依我的判断: far as i can judge judgement正确的判断: appreciation做出判断: making judgement不成熟的判断: raw judgement对自己的判断: self-judgment值班员的判断: officer's judgement差错,错误的: amiss