做: make; manufacture; produce假帐: false account做假: feign造假帐: draw up false accounts; wangle accounts; cook accounts做假账: accounting fraud编造假帐: falsification of account; falsify the account虚假帐务: deceptive accounting做假动作: to make a tricky movement帐目的篡改, 作假帐: manipulation of accounts做假动作骗对手: sell the dummy做假动作引诱对方: spar伪造或窜改财务报表, 造假帐: cook the books在做假动作的过程中: in mid-feint从左做假动作后从右面突破: fake left drive right做价: kiting做价货币: major currency做架: console做减肥治疗法: bant做甲壳虫卡通动画: photoshop